
Recent research highlights:

Massive DMRG calculations reveal a Luther-Emery liquid state and dominant singlet superconductivity in the hole-doped Haldane spin-1 chain with realistic intraorbital interactions.

P. Laurell, J. Herbrych, G. Alvarez, and E. Dagotto, Phys. Rev. B 110, 064515 (2024).

We define a family of spatial quantum correlation functions that reveal a new length scale in materials, the quantum coherence length. Such correlations can be reconstructed from scattering.

A. Scheie, P. Laurell, E. Dagotto, D. A. Tennant, and T. Roscilde, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033183 (2024). 

A foundation is laid for a model-independent measurement protocol of entanglement in quantum spin systems using witnesses. We experimentally witness at least tripartite entanglement in Cs2CoCl4.

P. Laurell, A. Scheie, C. J. Mukherjee, M. M. Koza, M. Enderle, Z. Tylczynski, S. Okamoto, R. Coldea, D. A. Tennant, and G. Alvarez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 037201 (2021) and Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 129902 (2023).

See also our related work on KCuF3.

Areas of interest

Connection between Bell's inequality measurements and scattering experiments.

Normalized quantum Fisher information as a function of temperature in KCuF3. When nQFI>m, where m>0 is an integer, the system is in a state with at least (m+1)-partite entanglement.

Artistic illustration of detecting entanglement using quantum Fisher information and inelastic neutron scattering. Credit: Nathan Armistead/ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy.

Witnessing entanglement and quantum correlations

A grand challenge for the quantum materials field is the development of tools to experimentally measure, certify and quantify entanglement and quantum correlations in real materials. Such tools are needed in order to identify materials suitable to novel applications in Quantum Information Science (QIS), including quantum computing and sensing. In addition, many intriguing quantum states of matter are theoretically understood—or even defined—in terms of their entanglement properties. However, entanglement entropies and density matrices are not directly accessible in macroscopic materials, so new methods are needed for the identification of such phases.

Together with inelastic neutron scattering colleagues, we have thus worked to develop model-independent ways to experimentally detect and quantify entanglement in materials using spectroscopic experiments. By making use of quantum Fisher information (QFI) and other entanglement witnesses—observables that serve as order parameters for a subset of entangled states—we showed that the S = 1/2 isotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain KCuF3 features at least quadpartite entanglement at the lowest temperatures and bipartite entanglement up to at least 150 K. We also investigated the S = 1/2 transverse-field XXZ chain Cs2CoCl4, finding tripartite entanglement at low fields, and showing how these witnesses provide new insight into quantum phase transitions. For both quantum spin chains, we find excellent agreement between experiment and simulations of the INS spectra using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG). Recently, such witnesses have been used to help diagnose quantum spin liquid states.

We have also theoretically considered the Hubbard chain as a first extension to electronic (i.e. spinful fermionic) systems. This is an important but nontrivial step since quantum information methods are typically designed for two-level systems. We have also defined a family of spatial quantum correlation functions, and extracted a new length scale, the quantum coherence length, from KCuF3 neutron data. In a related approach, we look at the information contained in real-time real-space correlation functions in 1D quantum spin systems and the Hubbard chain.

We have a review of this exciting and rapidly growing multidisciplinary field, arXiv:2405.10899.

Inelastic neutron scattering spectrum of the 1D Heisenberg antiferromagnet KCuF3 compared with zero and finite-temperature DMRG calculations.

Inelastic neutron scattering spectrum of the 1D Heisenberg antiferromagnet Sr2V3O9 compared with the T=0 Bethe Ansatz prediction.

Quantum magnets and strongly correlated electron system

We are interested in understanding and predicting the effects of correlations in quantum materials. In pursuit of this goal, we use complementary theoretical and numerically exact unbiased many-body techniques, such as DMRG, exact diagonalization (ED), and thermal pure quantum state (TPQ) methods, with an aim to achieve quantitative modeling and understanding of realistic systems beyond phase diagrams and ground state properties, enabling close comparisons with experiment.

In this area, we have worked on a variety of systems:

Going forward, we are particularly interested in pursuing methods for calculating accurate dynamical structure factors for large two- and three-dimensional systems.

Evolution of the magnon dispersion in hcp ferromagnetic gadolinium along kz.

Topological magnons

Topological states of matter have been one of the most important and influential directions in condensed matter physics over the past 50 years. It has led to the introduction of new paradigms, and was recognized through the 2016 Physics Nobel prize. A younger field within this umbrella is that of topological magnetic excitations, which seeks to combine topology and strong electron-electron interactions.

Our work in this field includes the first discovery of an extensive 2D magnon nodal-plane degeneracy in elemental gadolinium, Physical Review Letters 128, 097201 (2022), Physical Review B 105, 104402 (2022), one of the few elemental ferromagnets. We also made early predictions of topological magnons with nonzero Chern numbers in noncollinear antiferromagnets such as pyrochlore iridates and kagome antiferromagnets, leading to a magnon thermal Hall effect.

The approximation error made between different approximations and the exact time-evolution operator for a strongly driven Ising model.

Improved analytical approximation methods

We are also interested in developing analytical methods — both exact and approximate. These offer a different path to understanding interacting many-body systems, as well as ways to ensure the accuracy of our computational tools. Using a renormalization group-like flow equation formalism, we developed a method to generate highly accurate time-evolution operators for periodically driven (Floquet) many-body systems. Unlike conventional high-frequency expansions, our method is non-perturbative and allows access to the low-frequency regime in dynamic quantum matter. As a related result we developed a Hamilton-Jacobi formalism for the time-evolution operator that provides a unified framework for these approximation methods. In a more recent work we were able to use flow equations to derive nonperturbative approximations to operator square-roots even where Taylor expansions fail, and to obtain a resummed version of the Holstein-Primakoff spin representation